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Bulking macro ratios are simple as pie to work out!


First decide if you are doing a dirty bulk, a clean bulk or a maintenance bulk. If you're dirty bulking why bother reading this? If you're doing a clean or maintenance bulk then find your maintenance of calories (how many calories you need to neither gain or loose weight) then add 500 if it's a clean bulk, or keep it at that for the maintenance bulk and just have the odd cheat meal every second day.


For protein, if you are doing 3-5 days a week of intense lifting then get 1x your bodyweight in lbs, then round it up a bit.

If your bodyweight is 167 lbs, round it up to 180, if your weight is 198, make it 220. have a 20g surplus over your bodyweight give or take 5g.



20% of your daily calories is a good way to look at it. For me, my bulking calories are 3200 calories a day. 3200*0.2 = 640. 640/9 = 71g. Whatever your number is, a good solid range for your fats for the day in g will be 20% give or take 10g. Personally I add 10g so my daily fats are 80g.


So far we have for my 3200 calories a day diet, 200g coming from protein and 80g coming from fats. We know that there are 4 calories from protein and 9 from fats so we know that 800 calories + 720 calories come from my proteins and fats. Fill the rest in with carbs! On a bulk, you need carbs to rebuild muscles BIGGER and stronger than before, they fuel you up for better workouts, help with recovery, let u push more weight for more reps!
800+720 = 1520. 3200-1520 = 1680 calories that have to come from carbs. 1680/4 = 420g carbs a day. Seems high but it works.

Bulking is just that, putting on weight, putting on muscle, if you're scared of loosing your 6 pack, don't bother bulking. Bulking should take 8 months minimum to make some serious gains ended with some kind of strength training to solidify that new muscle into a denser more functional muscle.


Warrior Muscle Fitness

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